State Secretary  Gil Spisak Newsletter

Created: May 02, 2024
Category: General News

State Secretary 
Gil Spisak



Worthy Brother Knights,
We have a GREAT Future Ahead!
Starting with the 123rd Annual Meeting of the Knights of Columbus (2024 State Convention)
The information and registration for the 2024 State Convention can be found on the State website -
Everyone must register online through Whova to attend the State Convention, including attending the meals that are part of the convention events -
The purchases for meals ended on 4/17/2024, due to the contract requirements of the caterer.  Registrations to attend the convention can still be made online through Whova until 9am Saturday, May 18th to attend the convention at the Monroe Convention Center in Bloomington.
NOTE:  Whova limits registration to one person per email address.  Registration code if asked is INKofC2024.  Each attendee must register individually, so complete/submit the registration for yourself, and if registering another person, register them after your registration has been completed/submitted.  Whova identifies each person by their email address, so it allows only 1 email address per person.  Deadline Date has passed to request any refunds.  Exchanges of purchased registrations or meals cannot be transferred to another person/attendee per the State Council.
We ask councils to pay for their Chaplains costs for the Convention registration/meals/mileage. 
Note:  We are looking for Donations to support the several Chaplains who will be attending and cannot cover their costs, we ask if other councils can help with a donation for our Chaplains/Priests.  Make the check payable to “Indiana State Council” and mail to the State Secretary – Thank You in advance to those councils that help and support our Priests!  In the memo line write “Convention Priest Donation”.
The deadline for delegate/alternate credentials was May 1, 2024, no further credentials will be accepted, to allow the processing by everyone involved in the convention setup / organization / preparation to complete their tasks in time.  Councils must be current in their Per Capita payments to be seated at the convention.
Several questions were asked about who the candidates are, the current State Council Officers automatically move up in position on the election slate, unless they declare otherwise, to be voted on.
This year’s current slate by the State Council Officers is below:
Scott Schutte automatically becomes Immediate Past State Deputy
Gil Spisak – State Deputy
Robert “Bob” Zielinski – State Secretary
Ryan Borden – State Treasurer
This automatically opens up the State Advocate position, and this year our State Warden is retiring, so that position is open. 
At this time, only 2 candidates have submitted their names to the open offices on the State Council:
Ryan Grill – State Advocate
Mike Lewis – State Warden
Chairmen / Directors / District Deputies NEEDED for the Future 2024 – 25 State Team
We invite anyone who’s interested in becoming a State Chairmen or District Deputy, to fill any open roles, and who is willing to step up and become a leader to assist their Brother Knights in the State.
Contact Gil Spisak (email or phone listed below), if you are someone willing to help your Brother Knights in the State by filling one of these positions, since we are all volunteers trying to help each other. 
We need YOUR HELP!    JOIN the 2024-2025 State Council Team!  This is your chance to help improve the State with your ideas, input, and support.
Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis – July 17th to 21st, 2024
The National Eucharistic Congress will be held in Indianapolis and information can be found at – with pilgrimage information at .  Much help will be needed and details/information will be provided in the future, so reserve the dates on your schedule.
Correction on last month’s Newsletter, for the NWI Regional meetings - A special Thank You to Griffith, Marquette Council #3631– Steve Malone, GK, Coordinator, and the Great Help by the council members!
To ALL Councils, Assemblies, and Brother Knights:
Thank you for all the work you and your council does and we look forward to seeing you at the State Convention!  With the demonstrations by your Actions, Deeds, and Work you are leading as an example of Christ to Grow in our Faith and to help those in need!
Don’t forget to Bring your Council / Assembly Banners w/stand to help decorate the Chamber!
Vivat Jesus and GOD Bless!

Gil Spisak
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
State Secretary 
webpage HERE
Vivat Jesus