Disaster Response

Donate to Indiana State Council Charity Fund Inc. – Disaster Response HERE

Help us prepare to help our Bother Knights. download now the - PLAN & STATEMENT

Prepare for Disaster Handout HERE

Fellow Knights,

It is imperative that all Council start now to develop a Council Disaster Response Plan!

With over 50 confirmed tornadoes in Indiana last year, it only a matter of time when your local jurisdiction may be hit with a disaster.

The time to prepare your memberships response and capabilities are now.  Please read the attached “Council Disaster Response Plan”‘  use it as a guide to access your Council’s vulnerabilities and capabilities to respond during a disaster. As always I am available to assist each council if requested.


Bill McDonald

Indiana State Council

Disaster Response Chairman/Coordinator


Indiana State Council Disaster Response Mission:
To promote education and training for Local and State Disaster Response Programs and assist Councils and their Members in the Indiana State Council jurisdiction during a disaster.
As a member of the” IN-VOAD” all organizational members training may be offered to the Knights of Columbus membership, when available. 

Indiana K of C Disaster Response Team in conjunction with INVOAD will have a presentation on Case Management for those that might be interested in volunteering for this mission when a disaster strikes.  This presentation will give a general overview of what case management is all about.  The presentation will be on August 29th at 4pm by Zoom meeting.  Please contact me for an invite/access if you are interested.
Then if you are serious about helping your Brothers and neighbors recover from a disaster and would like to pursue training as a Case Manager then the next available required two-day training will be on September 19th  - 9am to 4-pm and September 20th  - 9am to 1pm at the Salvation Army training center on Georgetown Rd in Indpls.  This is perhaps one of the most important jobs in disaster recovery and we here in Indiana are in short supply of trained professionals.  Please give serious consideration to becoming a certified Case Manager.  Registration is required by September 12th.  Contact me for further information

Prepare to Survive- Emergency Kits.

Home and Car

Emergency situations can happen at any time, making it crucial that you are prepared for the unexpected long before it happens. Plan for possible emergencies:

Research and prepare for natural disasters common to your area, such as floods, tornadoes/hurricanes, snow and sleet storms, or earthquakes.

Create an emergency kit for both your home and car.

Create a home emergency plan with your family and learn how to shut off your utilities.

Store important phone numbers, including those of family members, with other important documents in a fire-proof safe or safety deposit box. (bank record and insurance papers)

Learn first aid and CPR for children and adults – check out the NSC First Aid app.

Stock Your Emergency Kits Now!

Emergency kits can help you prepare for the worst, but only if they are properly stocked and regularly refreshed.

Your home emergency kit should be very accessible and contain:

Food and water for each family member for three days as well as a can opener and nonperishable foods, such as tuna and peanut butter.

Hand-crank or battery-powered flashlight and radio with extra batteries.

Full first aid kit, including hand sanitizer and garbage bags.

Plastic sheeting and duct tape for broken windows or a leaky roof

Whistle to signal for help so rescuers can locate you.

Your car emergency kit should contain:

A properly inflated spare tire, wheel wrench, tripod jack and jumper cables.

A tool kit, compass, duct tape and car charger for your cell phone.

A flashlight with extra batteries, a rain poncho, and a fire extinguisher.

Reflective triangles and vest, and brightly colored cloth to make your vehicle more visible.

A first aid kit and enough nonperishable food and water for three days.

Cold weather items such as a snow brush, shovel, windshield washer fluid, warm clothing, cat litter for traction and blankets, and hand warmers packs.

If sheltering at home, take proper safety precautions if using a generator or fuel type heaters. CO2 is a silent killer.

Preparation is the key to survival !  Do it now… 

Vivat Jesus

Bill McDonald
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
Disaster Response Chair
Vivat Jesus


Indiana Knights of Columbus Council Disaster Response Program Plan:

Part One: Grand Knight, break your area up into 4 workable sections. If you have a vast area to cover then break your area into 6 sections. Select 4-6 Council Members, they do not have to be officers, we recommend retired members who can be around the area all day to be able to make phone calls or drive out in his selected area if necessary to check on Brother Knights in case of a disaster. We recommend the 4/6 members (refer to as Section Coordinators), select who will be the Council DR Team Coordinator.

The Financial Secretary will supply a list of all Knights in each of the 4/6 sections with the Name, Addresses, Phone numbers, Emails, and other contact information for every Knight in each area, to each Section Coordinators and Council DR Team Coordinator.

If a Disaster should hit, your community. These four/six Section Coordinators will start the process of contacting all members in their assigned section. (Please other Knights do not call them, they will call you. Do not tie up their phones.) Section Coordinators when you hear of one Knight with damage, please do not call your Council Coordinator until you have called or made contact with everybody in your section, and everyone is accounted for.

The four/six Section Coordinators will come together either physically or by phone/email and make a report to the Council DR Team Coordinator.

The Council DR Team Coordinator will make the call to the Indiana Knights of Columbus Disaster Response Coordinator Bill McDonald to request any needed assistance...

Bill McDonald, Knights of Columbus Indiana Disaster Response Coordinator
812-689-6699; 812-621-0049; mcdonaldkofc@gmail.com.

Until the State Disaster Response Team or other service organizations units arrive, the Council Disaster Response Team can call upon other brother Knights who are home and able (who might have a truck or van), go pick up tarps, food or clothing and other supplies needed in his area.  The Red Cross, Catholics Charities and all others disaster service organizations will know about the disaster that hit your area and they will also, be on the move. (IN-VOAD)

Councils are requested to set up a Council Disaster Fund to help their Brother Knights until the other charitable units get to the scene. This fund can be a Credit Card or Bank Debit Card with a set amount set aside for this purpose ONLY.  Keep the location for this account where the Council Disaster Team Coordinator can access it without any delay. (Councils Officers and Trustees should develop a set of SOP-protocols for its usage.)

Part Two: The Council should now prepare a Council Disaster Response Plan to determine how and where your council will continue to operate during a disaster and how you can serve your community once you have met the immediate needs of your members. If you are a parish-based Council your plan should include, how do you help support the parish and schools if required. If your council serves multiple parishes all should be included in your planning. Remember when developing your Council DR Plan normal means of communication may not be readily available for weeks. Power, phones, both landlines and cell could be out for weeks.

Plans should include the Council DR Coordinator and the Grand Knight, review all possible facilities that can be used for shelters or distribution points.

 The Council DR Coordinator should work with the local emergency agencies, fire and police departments, etc. to see where the Knights can be of assistance. (Local COAD)

Part Three: Prepare a “Plan of Action” on how you may be able to assist your neighboring Knights of Columbus Councils should they be hit by a disaster. (the council affected by a disaster may be busy digging themselves out and will need your help.) Secure the contact information of the Grand Knight and FS from all adjoining Councils. (or District)

You may also maintain the Council DR Coordinators and Section Coordinators for additional contacts. In all disasters, communications are essential, and phone and cell service can be affected. Be prepared to travel and make personal contact as necessary.

Always keep your State Disaster Response Coordinator appraised of all ongoing operations, as he may be able to secure additional assistance.

Vivat Jesus

Bill McDonald
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
Disaster Response Chair
Vivat Jesus