
State Faith Director
August 2024

Faith in Action Faith - Programs HERE - Resources HERE

I’m honored to have been appointed as Faith Director  starting this fraternal year by our Worthy State Deputy Gil Spisak and thankful for my time as the New Council Chairman these past couple of years.  Brother Knight Ed Waldschmidt has taken over a as New Council Development Chairman with his appointment by WSD Spisak.
I’d like to thank our outgoing State Faith Director Jim Prasopoulos for his service as Faith Director.
As we work through this first quarter of our fraternal year, I encourage each council to plan their Faith-in-Action Faith-focused programs for the fraternal year using both the Faith in Action resources on the website and the State Program Guide on the website.
Please reach out to me with any questions.
Vivat Jesus,

Jeff Emminger
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
Faith Director
Vivat Jesus