
State Faith Director
March 2025

Home Council: Our Lady of Fatima Council 3228, Indianapolis

Home Assembly: Bishop Chatard Assembly 245, Indianapolis

Faith in Action Faith - Programs HERE - Resources HERE

Recent E6 Mens Conference

I was one of many brother knights at the recent 10th annual E6 Men’s Conference held in St. Leon, Indiana on 2/22. It was a call for men to improve themselves by growing their Catholic Faith. There were a number of well-known speakers at the conference.

For those that didn’t make it to the conference, it was recorded and is available on The video starts out without live video, but once Fr. Meyer gets underway in his opening talk, the live video starts.

Here is the internet address to the video:

🔴 LIVE: E6 Catholic Men’s Conference 2025 | Chris Stefanick, Bobby Angel, Fr. Meyer & Jake Khym - YouTube

Here is where you can find the talks:                                                                                                                                              

55:55 Chris Stefanick.

1:53:48 Jake Kyhm

5:57:21 Bobby Angel

6:55:15 Chris Stefanick

Upcoming State Convention                              

I have ordered a lot of Faith-in-Action Faith program literature to give out at the convention. Also ordered were 100 Rosary Program Kits that councils can use to conduct rosary programs. The intent is that council delegates can get samples of the literature pieces to share with their council leadership team to see if it would be useful in promoting programs in their councils. If so, more can be ordered by the council via Officers Online’s Supplies Online application.

If you are at the convention, please stop by the Faith-in-Action Table and pick up some literature and a rosary program kit. 

Please reach out to me with any questions.

Jeff Emminger
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
Faith Director
Vivat Jesus