Membership Director

September 2024

Brothers all;
   Hope all is well with you and your family. I have to say not so much for Inviting new Members so far this year. We typically have a bit of a low with the change over elections at the Council. It is s bit slow until the DDs have their kick of meetings. I haven’t ever understood this but seams to be year over year thing so I have come to accept and make up excuses for it. The bottom line is that we do simply that. Make excuses for it. Inviting is a 365 days a year thing. A in every thing we do thing. So stop the excuses and get back in the groove. Wear the Emblem of the Order in all the great things you do and invite others to Join Us. Do some math and figure out what you still need and how many per month it will take to get to 100% by next May. Yea not June.
If you need help reach out to your Diocesan Director or myself.
      So as I always said and say, JUST ASK!!
             God Bless

SK Frank Joseph
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
State Membership Director
Vivat Jesus