Charity is at the heart of our work and our faith and it always has been. For the Indiana Knights of Columbus, charity means supporting a virtually boundless variety of projects.
Donation checks should be made payable to "Indiana State Council Knights of Columbus Charity Fund Inc." and
mailed to the fund treasurer
Paul Zielinski
4974 Roxbury Ct.
Pittsboro, IN 46167.
Donations can also be made online through "Network for Good." & "Paypal"

All donations are greatly appreciated.
The Indiana State Council Knights of Columbus Charity Fund Inc. does not have a paid staff or board, so operating expenses are minimal.
All donations are used to help people in urgent need situations to the maximum extent possible.
The Indiana State Council Knights of Columbus Charity Fund Inc. is a 501(c)(3) established in 1998 to help people in urgent need situations; disaster relief, coats for kids, food for families, ultrasound machines, and other similar needs.
Donate Here