NCD/Reactivation Chairman

NCD/Reactivation Chairman

New council development guide HERE

September 2024

Greetings from New Council Development.   Why should we all want to grow the order?   Because we are all asked to recruit.   A new council helps grow your council.   Get your members involved.  If your DD asks for help, please provide it.   We have several in the works.   Why not your area?    Don't just think that someone else will do it.    

Power of one.   Look for areas where the Knights need to be.   Wear your council shirt.   Promote the Knights. 
If you know of a parish where a new parish-based council is needed, please discuss the need with your district deputy and also let me know of the opportunity at

Ed Waldschmidt
New Council Development / Reactivation Chairman
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
Vivat Jesus