Indiana Training - State Trainer


As we start the new year let’s make a pledge to get our councils running like a fine tune machine. We can accomplish this the same way we recruit new members “JUST ASK.” We have fellow knights who will gladly help you accomplish any needs. Do you need help with a church drive, help with forms, an explication, or member management?  

We will be following the fraternal planner on the last Saturday of each month, I will be on google meet If we have a conflict, we will go the week before. At the end of all sessions, we have time for Q&A. We will answer all questions or get the answer for you. The question you have probably 5 other guys who have the same question! 

                     REMEMBER JUST ASK!! 

Always remember to connect me with any problems you or your council are having. Together with Christ, we can make it happen.

Mike Finley
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
State Trainer/Gary Diocese chairman / /
Vivat Jesus

NEW: Officer Training Webinars

We are now offering officer training conducted by experienced Fraternal Trainers who will share practical guidance to assist District Deputies, Grand Knights and Council Officers. New and seasoned council officers will benefit from these trainings created just for them, as well as from targeted sessions that explain council financial operations, Member Management/Member Billing, council meetings, budgeting, and program planning. Additional topics will be added regularly.

Register now to get the skills you need to run a successful council and make a difference in your community. For more information, visit the NEW Fraternal Trainers page on the Knights of Columbus website.