Events Chairman Eric Struewing Newsletter

Created: Dec 09, 2023
Category: General News

Events Chairman

Eric Struewing

Worthy Knights,
By the time this article is released, emails should be flying around in the planning of the athletic events taking place early in the 2024. The Youth Free Throw Championship(Jan.-Mar.) as well as the State Bowling Tournament (Feb.24th-25th). As always, someone will step up and get the job done. So I won't dwell on that since this is about planning ahead and things to accomplish. I might say planning ahead should have started in June/July when the incoming GK appoints his athletics chairman. If you don't have one, make looking for one a priority. He is vital to the success of our State youth and adult athletics programs. If he becomes engaged in athletics, he will be the link and messenger to the members outside the meetings. Let's prepare to make 2024 better.

Eric Struewing
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
Indiana Event Chairman
Vivat Jesus