4th Degree Master Patrick Glavin Newsletter

Created: Nov 11, 2023
Category: General News

4th Degree Master
Patrick Glavin

My Dear Brother Knights:
November is one of my favorite months! All Souls Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, and the gear up for Christmas make for a busy month. We experience a wide range of emotions with each of these events, but there is always a constant, and that is GOD! Prayer is the strongest tool we have, and its effectiveness is unsurpassed. As always, don’t forget to pray! As the Israeli war on terrorism intensifies, please keep our service members in your prayers. The unpredictability of war always means that the level of danger can increase instantly and without discretion.
I would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to my fellow Veteran Knights! Your service to our nation stands as a testament to your character and what was instilled in you as a child by your loving family. My wife, occasionally, reminds me that my service was enough and that she doesn’t want our boys to serve our nation. My mother was the same way, urging me to attend college instead of enlisting in the Army. I’m very satisfied with my decision and will always support anyone’s decision to serve or not, the military is not for everyone and those who didn’t serve are no less patriotic.
Assemblies and Councils that will be participating in numerous Veteran’s Day programs, please forward me any pictures and a brief write up. Our Supreme Master Michael McCusker would like to feature a Patriotic Program, from each District, each month.
We have two Exemplifications of the 4th Degree scheduled for this month, one on 11/11 in Evansville and the second on 11/18 in Granger. Effective immediately, we are extending the deadline for registration to 11/8.
Patriotism Defends Our Faith!
Patrick J. Glavin, Master
Indiana District-Fr. Edward F. Sorin Province
4th Degree Master
Vivat Jesus