Events Chairman Eric Streuwing Newsletter

Created: Sep 07, 2023
Category: General News

Events Chairman

Eric Streuwing

    Brother Knights, September is full of great council and State wide programs. Be sure to get out and be part of it while the weather is still good. If your council is considering participating in the youth Soccer Challenge, by now you should have ordered your kit. It's not too late but you need to act fast. Council competition should be done the first three weekends in September with District competition the last weekend. District not necessary if only one council participated in that district. Regional dates and locations will be determined soon. Thanks to Ryan Grill for stepping up as Soccer Challenge Chairman.

    Reminder, you have until September 9th to register for the State Golf outing.(We will have to cancel if we don't have 70 players) so grab a partner and come out and have fun. They are in need of many sponsors at this time. Please help out council #3228 as they host this event.    
Flier, cover letter, entry forms and sponsorship info are HERE.

    Planning ahead, order the Free throw Challenge kit. January's right around the corner.
Set your calendar for the 2024 State Handicap Bowling Tournament Feb. 24th-25th in Huntington, IN. Host; Monsignor Dillon Council #1014.More info to follow.

Eric Struewing
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
Events Chairman
Vivat Jesus