4th Degree Master Patrick Glavin Newsletter

Created: Sep 07, 2023
Category: General News

My Brother Sir Knights,
It is with great pride and even greater humility that I address you, as your new District Master for the State of Indiana! The Supreme Master made this appointment, to fill the unexpired term of our previous Master, State Advocate Ryan Borden. The work done by Ryan and the assistance of Rick Santangelo, is immeasurable. Each had to juggle their state obligations and help keep our 4th Degree on track.
Some of you know me, but most do not. I’m from the Gary Diocese and reside in the town of St. John, Lake County. I’ve been a member of the 4th Degree since 2010 and have held numerous positions within the order. Currently, I own a small business and enjoy spending time with my lovely wife Katie and our boys John and Patrick. An Army veteran myself, I have great admiration for those who’ve served.
We live in a unique time in America, where patriotism isn’t always a popular word. Social and political influences have made some question the very idea of loving this great country. That is why the 4th Degree is as relevant as ever, to prove to our fellow Americans that it’s perfectly fine to love your country. The Knights of Columbus and the 4th Degree have not and will not back down on social issues, the support of our church and the clergy, and the defense of those who can’t defend themselves! By standing together, we show the world that American Catholics can also be Patriots.
Patriotism can be found in our everyday lives, concealed in what many consider “the right thing”. By living a practical Catholic life, you are Patriotic. You follow laws, you help others, you pay taxes, you vote, you provide for and protect your family, and yes, you honor God and thank Him for any blessings. That to me is Patriotism, defined by actions.
My goals are simple for the state: Get the Exemplifications fired up, again. Encourage the expansion of the Color Corps. Restore the pride and honor of being known as a “Sir Knight”. Increase our donations to the Warriors to Lourdes and Fr. McGivney Scholarship program.
Lastly, my motto for my administration is: “Patriotism Defends Our Faith!”. The reason for choosing those specific words is that, without the freedoms protected by patriots, our faith could very well be removed from American society.
Patriotism Defends Our Faith!
Yours in Patriotism,
Patrick J. Glavin, Master
Indiana District-Fr. Edward F. Sorin Province
4th Degree Knights of Columbus