State Deputy Scott Schutte Newsletter

Created: Sep 07, 2023
Category: General News

Scott W. Schutte

State Deputy



My Worthy Bother Knights,

I have been listening to the readings closely at Mass the last few weeks.  Lots of good readings from Isaiah prophesying about Christ.  It seems fitting given that we are preparing for the Eucharistic Convention in Indianapolis next year.  Catholic radio has some great programs and ads about the features.  I am meeting this week with the coordinators to discuss plans.  We will need volunteers so please keep that week available.  I will be sharing the volunteer needs as we define the requirements.  As always Mass is a great place to learn more about Christ in the Eucharist.      


I hope many of you took advantage of the COR training the last weekend in August.  Indiana has been a part of the pilot program and we are making progress.  Our members want to know more about their religion, and this is a good place to develop that understanding.  Please work with your parishes to sponsor or create a men’s faith formation program.

Goals for this year

Our goal, as set by Supreme, is to invite and welcome 1265 new members.  Last year we were very close to that number.  We are tracking currently with last year’s progress.  My goal was to maintain the momentum that we had to close out last year.  It was a lofty goal, but I am hoping that you can help to get us back on pace to meet the goals we need.  I know there are plenty of Catholic men in our parishes that want to be members.  We just need to invite them.  My home Council recently had an exemplification and brought in three new members.  They are looking to meet their annual goal by the end of the quarter.  You can too.  If you do, you could get a great incentive from Supreme.  Ask you DD about it.

We will also need to complete four Holy Hours at the State level.  We have completed one already at the Summer Organizational meeting.  We will have two additional, one at the winter meeting and one at Convention.  I will try to determine a suitable fourth event and let everyone know about it.

Lastly, we are requested to have 29 Star Councils this fiscal year.  This is an attainable goal if we submit our paperwork.  185 and 365 forms as soon as possible.  Audits submitted on time.  Safe Environment training completed as required. (These should not be delayed; we want children to be safe at our events.)  Please note that Fraternal Benefit Events are required to make Star.  I will explain that in further detail below as the reporting for these has changed. Faith in action Projects completed and reported. Membership goals attained.

This is a much-simplified list compared to last year.  We can do this.  I ask for your cooperation in meeting these goals for the State.

Fraternal Benefit Events

Have you spoken with your Field Agent?  Let’s start getting these accomplished in September and October.  The new process is much simpler. 

Women’s Care Center Endowment

We continue our drive to reach a $10,000,000 endowment over the next nine years.  We did a respectable amount last year.  Let’s build on that and increase our donations. We need to show that Indiana is here for women and children so that the Abortion lobby cannot say that they don’t have the options needed for a good life. We can do this.

Life Activities

We will once again be sponsoring overnighters at the Planned Parenthoods in conjunction with 40 Days for Life.  Look for the invite from our Life Director. We would love a great turnout.

We are installing new ultrasounds around the State.  I have signed off on what feels like a record number of units for Indiana this year already.  Let’s get some money raised so that we can place these units as we find homes for them.


We have a retreat planned on November 18th.  This is the Saturday before Thanksgiving and also the last day of the NCYC conference.  Please plan to attend and sign up early.  We are looking forward to a great presentation.  This fits in with COR, and with evangelizing through our works. 

Please encourage your members to go to Mass.  We want all Knights to be fully catholic and it starts with Mass.


NCYC will visit Indianapolis in November.  We have been asked to support the food packing efforts again this year.   We need donations to accomplish the Food Packing Project.  Our Goal is $10,500.  Councils need to please consider giving $100 donation to this effort. This is a great exercise for our youth in providing for the hungry. 

Leadership Development

I recently attended a District program to work with the local Councils in Leadership development.  We as a State will be sponsoring these programs in your area.  Please try to attend.  We all need to remember we have an expiration date.  Let’s make sure we have our replacements prepared.

Closing Thoughts

Gentlemen, this will be a great year if we all pull together and work together.  Our goals are attainable.  I am looking forward to working with you to complete Supreme’s goals early so that we can work together to welcome and educate all the visitors to the Eucharistic Congress, July 17th to the 24th, I am going to need many of you to help in the volunteer positions.

Let’s keep inviting those new members.  We have some huge projects, Eucharistic Congress, coming up and we will need lots of volunteers.  Plus, we want our fellow Catholics to keep the faith, COR Initiative.  Keep dreaming big and be ready to Evangelize Through Our Works.

Vivat Jesus

Scott Schutte
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
State Deputy
webpage HERE
Vivat Jesus