State Program Director Newsletter

Created: Aug 12, 2023
Category: General News

State Program Director

August 2023

Brothers All,

I appreciate all the patience and well-wishes extended to me during this transition.  It was a distinct challenge to catch up on closing out FrY 2022-2023 and ramp up for FrY 2023-2024 – but, during the past couple of months, I also encountered health challenges of my own, as well as dealing with critical illness of a family member.  I truly appreciate the support, prayers, and patience extended to me from my Brother Knights!

2022-2023 Activity Tracking

I have finalized the Activity Tracker for 2022-2023.  I understand that there may still be some issues/omissions.  If you see an omission for your Council/District, please email me at, and we’ll work through it.  The activity tracker is being attached in email and will be posted on the State website.

2023-2024 Activity Tracking

As of July 1, the State Council Program Directors and Chairman will no longer be tracking individual activity submissions (Form 10784).  Faith In Action submissions are now tracked by the Supreme Council and updates will be distributed as soon as they are available from Supreme.

We will be tracking requirements for State Council Awards (Nina/Pinta/Santa Maria).  I will no longer be providing updates regarding Membership in the Activity Tracker, outside of State Award requirements.  I have simplified the Activity Tracker. 

State Program Updates

In addition to what has been provided in the State Council Newsletter by the various Program Directors and Chairmen, here’s a reminder of some upcoming events and program goals:

·        Community

o  Wheelchair Initiative

o  Gibault Staff Gift Cards

o  Boxes of Joy

o  Food for Families (in conjunction with NCYC)

·        Faith

o  Spiritual Retreat on 11/18 at Our Lady of Greenwood

o  Working on another Spiritual Retreat in Northern IN

·        Family - David Gregg is stepping up as our new Family Director – updates soon!

·        Life

o  October 6-7 – Overnight Vigil in front of Planned Parenthood

o  Sept 8-10 Biking for Babies

I am honored to serve you as State Program Director and am very excited for the new Fraternal Year!

Vivat Jesus!

Scott C. Cunningham, PSD FDM
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
State Program Director
Vivat Jesus