Membership Director
August 2023
Brothers all,
Time flies. We are already half way through the First Quarter of the new fraternal year. My ask is that all of the things needed to have Your Council and Districts set up for the year are already in place so you can focus on Serving Your Parish and do Recruiting at all those things. Officers chosen, Directors and Chairmen in place, “Membership Director“ and Roundtable chairman selected and of course the forms filled out so all know your choices.
Have you done the math? If your Council needs 5 new Members to make its goal the all should know that you simply need 1 new member every other month. If 12 then 1 a month. Do you have plans in place already to meet your goal?
Shinning Armor Program
Officer’s Challenge
Directors and Chairman challenge
Membership challenges
Roster Challenge
Parish events on the calendar to participate in
Oh yea “JUST ASK”
Just naming a few. You know that everything we do is a recruiting activity, but do your Members? Imagine what you COULD be doing with new Members excited and willing.
SK Frank Joseph
State Membership Director