Indiana State Council Officers

Gilbert E. "Gil" Spisak

State Deputy

Home Council: 9114 - Nativity of Our Savior, Portage, IN
Home Assembly: 240 - Father Sorin, Valparaiso, IN

Worthy Brother Knights,

A Blessed and Happy New Year!

The State Council Officers, Directors, Chairmen, and District Deputies extend their warmest wishes to you and your family for a Blessed and Happy New Year!  As we embark on the second half of the fiscal year, let us remain steadfast in our Mission of the Order: to empower Catholic men to live their Faith and serve their Family, Parish, Community, and Country.

CHRISTmas Mission: Did You Complete Yours?

As part of our commitment to the growth and vitality of our Order, we encouraged all Knights to take on a special CHRISTmas Mission: to invite a Catholic man to join our ranks.  By doing so, we not only expand our charitable works but also offer the profound gift of Knighthood to more Catholic men.

To Those Who Answered the Call:  Thank you for fulfilling your mission and bringing a new Brother Knight into the Order. Your efforts help us accomplish our charitable goals and empower others to deepen their faith while serving their communities.

To Those Still Working on Their Mission:  Keep going!  Your dedication is invaluable.  Remember, many hands make light work, and every new Brother Knight strengthens our ability to serve and grow together.  Together, we can achieve even greater things!

The new year brings new opportunities to make an impact.  Let us continue working together to achieve even greater things in service of our faith and communities.  Whether through volunteering, supporting our parishes, or inviting new members, every contribution counts.

Stay connected with your council for updates on events, initiatives, and ways to get involved. Together, we can make 2025 a year of profound faith, service, and brotherhood.

Membership Drives

Join our efforts to grow the Order by participating in upcoming membership drives at your local parish.

EVERY Council is required to schedule / hold a Membership Drive in the next couple of months and report the scheduled dates to your District Deputy, so he can report it to the State to be placed on the calendar.  Let your District Deputy Know your dates ASAP!

The upcoming Fish Fry’s are a perfect time to be “Fishers of Men” and invite a Catholic Man to help out and JOIN the Order!

EVERYONE – KNIGHTS and ALL Councils should be Inviting men to Join Us! – As “Fishers of Men”!

FISHERS of MEN - Inviting and Bringing Men into the Order to Join Us!

It’s not about a number.

It’s not about a reward.

It’s about mission.     It’s about obligation.

Every Catholic man deserves what you and I have.

Catholic men are waiting. They are waiting to be invited.  Just ASK!

During the CHRISTmas season, did you invite and give a Catholic man the gift of KNIGHTHOOD!

Remember, the strength of our programs and charitable causes depends on the collective effort of our members.  We are Men on a Mission, and need new members added to our brotherhood, to help work on the programs while increasing our faith – HAVE YOU ASKED SOMEONE TO JOIN US ON OUR MISSION!  It’s up to you to ask and invite at least one new member to help us with our programs and charitable causes!  As the saying goes “Many hands make light work!”

Please use the following link in English,

Join online for free!

As we continue to celebrate Blessed Michael J. McGivney's Beatification, please enter the Promo Code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY to join online for free. *

THANK YOU for Supporting the Children at Gibault
A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who donated and helped the children at Gibault during CHRISTmas!  Your generosity made the CHRISTmas parties at both campuses on the 26th truly special. It was a great experience to see the children’s eyes light up at the gatherings and enjoy the celebration. Your kindness and support made a real difference in their lives.

STATE CONVENTION:  (April 25th – 27th, 2025)

Please see the information in the letters going out for this years Annual Meeting of the Indiana State Council that will be held at the French Lick Resort.  EVERYONE is Invited!  ALL Knights and their wives!  Check the State website as updates and information will be posted on our website.

Every Council in the State is a member of the State Council, so it is the duty of each council as a member of the State Council to be present at the Annual Meeting of the State Council!

It is recommended for the Grand Knight and Past Grand Knight to be Delegates, but any 3rd degree Knight in good standing may register and attend.  EVERYONE is Required to register to attend the event, activities, meals, or meetings, due to the costs of the event.

The Financial Secretaries will also be meeting during this event, so make sure to send your Financial Secretary to pick up valuable information working with the other Financial Secretaries throughout the state who will be present.

Remember to bring your Council / Assembly Banners with stand

to help decorate the Chamber!

Fraternal Leadership Advisory

Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, Council Officers, and District Deputies, along with anyone involved in council events, are YOU receiving the Fraternal Leadership Advisory from Supreme???  If not, you can sign up at and it will help guide you with current and future events and the information needed.

Disaster Relief – Hurricanes Response

Bill McDonald, our State Disaster Relief Chairman is continuing to request the needed donations to support the disaster response team’s efforts to help with recovery for natural disaster damage affected areas.

To donate, please submit your donation check to Charity Fund Inc. made payable to Indiana State Council and mail to CFI Board Treasurer, PSD Paul Zielinski, 4974 Roxbury Ct.

Pittsboro, IN 46167 and “Disaster Response” in the Memo line.




It's important to make sure all forms emailed are submitted in the required PDF format according to the State Program Guide.  Forms submitted in other formats JPG, GIF, or PNG might not be accepted and could cause processing delays. If you need any help with converting files or have other questions, contact your District Deputy or the State Trainer, Mike Kovacs ( or State IT-Admin, Roger Reuss (!

To All Councils, Assemblies, and Brother Knights:

Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication. We look forward to collaborating with you throughout the year. Your actions, deeds, and service exemplify Christ’s teachings and help us grow in faith and charity. As Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly said, “Striving to be first in Faith and Charity will point the world to Jesus Christ.”  “We are MEN on a MISSION!”  - A Mission from God!

The 2024-25 State Team of Officers, Chairmen & Directors, and District Deputies are eager to serve and work together to advance our mission.  Contact us if you need assistance or information or would like to make a difference by joining our State Council Team.

Vivat Jesus and God Bless!

Vivat Jesus and God Bless!

Gil Spisak
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
State Deputy
Contact State Officers
