4th Degree Master Newsletter

Created: Jul 31, 2023
Category: General News

Greetings Brother/Sir Knights of Indiana,
We are moving forward this Fraternal Year with two upcoming Exemplifications, August the 12th at La Porte
and then August 19th at Granger. Another Exemplification is scheduled for Zionsville on September the 12th,
this information is going to be available within the next week.
Things are constantly changing, but our mission is still the same. The 4th Patriotic Degree is still the most
visible part of the Order. The Men who are Proud to be Catholic Americans! Color Corp Commanders begin
drilling with the sword and following the 4th Degree Color Corps Drill Manual. Everyone needs to be on the
same page as we prepare for the Eucharistic Revival. Knights in Uniform will be at the front of the Eucharistic
Procession and then following the Eucharist will be Sir Knights in dark suits/tuxedos wearing the Social Baldric.
If you’re looking to purchase the Uniform you can find all the information you need for that at:
If you’re not a member of the 4th Degree, why aren’t you? If you’re a member how many new members have
you brought into the 4th Degree? Who have you been courting or mentoring to become a Sir Knight? We
have all heard the saying “if you’re not growing, you’re dying!” Yes, new members are essential to our growth,
but we have to grow them as active members at the council/assembly level. As in life and love you get curve
balls and bumps along the way. You just have to decide how you charge forward and when to punt so you can
Your State Officers and I are here to help, but if you don’t tell us of issues before they become problems then
we all have a problem. Assemblies that are not growing and adapting with the changes in our Order are issues
that quickly become problems. Merging Assemblies is an option, so if this is a path you wish to pursue please
contact me. If this is not the path that you wish to walk then contact me as well so we continue doing Christ’s
work the proper way. Master@indianakofc.org
Supreme has added an additional change to the Uniform to make the Faithful Navigator Present/Past (Figure
5) more visible when in Uniform. This also applies to the Color Corp Commander (Figure 6). The following
changes have been made to the Service Baldric that is worn with the Uniform. Members Service Baldric has
not changed as you can see in Figure 7 below.

Figure 1

Figure 2
VICE SUPREME MASTER-Current & Past (Lite Blue)

Figure 3
DISTRICT MASTER-Current & Past (Gold)

Figure 4

Figure 5
FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR-Current & Past (New White)

Figure 6

Figure 7
MEMBERS-Original issued Baldric
Service Baldric is only to be worn with Uniform and Sword. When wearing the
uniform only the PG-113 - 4th Degree Lapel Pin (Figure 8) may be worn on the left

Figure 8
All of these items are available at KofCsupplies.com
The Beret should be worn as seen below with the 4th Degree Badge above the left eye when in the uniform.

Figure 9
When wearing the Beret with a Patch, signifying current or past office, it is to be worn on the Beret as seen
below in Figure 10.

Figure 10
When presenting in uniform always help out your new brothers in uniform so that we all make a good
presentation for the Order. We’re in this together for the greater glory of God and the church