2024 Indiana Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge
Gary Diocese Regional - Merrillville
District Winners: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Regional Chairman: John Didelot, johndidelot@yahoo.com, 219.405.1114 | Portage Council 9114 524 South 3rd Street, Chesterton IN 46304
Host District Deputy: TBD, district1@indianakofc.org, | District 1
Site: Andrea High School - Football Field, 5959 Broadway, Merrillville IN 46410 Date: Sunday, October 6th, 2024
Time: Registration: 12:00 PM CDT ; Competition Starts: 1:00 PM CDT
Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese Regional - Mishawaka
District Winners: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Regional Chairman: Dan Hampton , dhampton@kosciusko.in.gov, 574.265.9187 | South Bend 1703 S. Woodfield Trail, Warsaw, IN.46580
Host District Deputy: Nathan Rhorer, district11@indianakofc.org, | District 11
Site: Queen of Peace - Fathers' Fields, 4508 Vistula Road, Mishawaka IN 46544 Date: Sunday, October 20th, 2024
Time: Registration: 11:00 AM EDT; Competition Starts: 11:30 AM EDT
Lafayette Diocese Regional - Flora
District Winners: 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 38, 39
Regional Chairman: Jon Zink, jon.zink@unitedanh.com, 765.202.3753 | Delphi Council 1977 8746 North 150 West, Delphi IN 46923
Host District Deputy: John Fraley, district16@indianakofc.org, | 773.576.4704
Site: Carroll County Community Center - Soccer Field, 102 South 4th Street, Flora IN 46929 Date: Saturday, October 19th, 2024
Time: Registration: 10:00 AM EDT ; Competition Starts: 11:00 AM EDT
Indianapolis Diocese Regional - Indianapolis
District Winners: 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 37
Regional Chairman: Scott Crossen 317-691-5369 DD 37
Host District Deputy: Brian Wulf District18@indianakofc.org
Co Host: Eric Struewing Events@indianakofc.org 317.752.2002
9404 E Troy Ave Indpls. IN 46239
Site: Good Shepherd Church 2905 Carson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46203
Date: Sunday, October 6th, 2024
Time: Registration:12:00 PM EDT ; Competition Starts: 12:30 PM EDT
Evansville Diocese Regional - TBD
District Winners: 31, 32, 33, 34, 36
Regional Chairman: |
Host District Deputy:
Site: Date: Time:
At this time District 31, 32, 33, 34, 36 winners need to compete at the Indianapolis Regional.
District Deputies email winners to Events@indianakofc.org
State Finals - Noblesville
Regional Winners: Gary, Fort Wayne-South Bend, Lafayette, Indianapolis & Evansville Diocese Regionals State Finals Chairman: lAndrew Gorgol 317.385.1584 andygorgol@yahoo.com
Host District Deputy: Louis Jorczak, district22@indianakofc.org, 317.554.9771
Site: Guerin Catholic High School - Soccer Field, 15300 Gray Road, Noblesville IN Date: Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Time: Registration: 10:30 AM EDT; Competition Starts: 11:00 AM EDT
*NOTE: Only the winners from the Regional contests will be allowed to participate in the State Final. The list of winners will be given to the State Finals Chairman by the Regional Chairman in advance. Only those on the list will be eligible for the State Finals. If a Council or District sends a Winner to the State Finals, they will not be allowed to participate.
None of the contestants should be keeping the scoresheets. It is the duty of the Council/District/Regional Chairman to send these in person, via email as a scanned copy or by mail to the District/Regional/State Finals Chairman well in advance of the next competition.
The date of birth must be confirmed by the Council Soccer Challenge Chairman. We are unable to keep a physical or digital copy of the birth certificate (proof of age). It is important that the correct age box is checked based on the age of the participant as of September 1st, 2024. If someone has a birthday on September 2nd, 2024 or later, we would still enter them based on the age as of the deadline on September 1st, 2024!
COUNCILS: Please ensure the scoresheet for each council winner is delivered to your District Deputy. Make sure the original council# are on each entry form. A Council Runner-up is eligible to advance to the District as an alternate if the Council Winner advises the Council Soccer Chairman in advance that they cannot attend. The Runner-Up scoresheet would need to be sent to the District Deputy in advance for the Runner-Up to be eligible to compete.
Don’t forget to complete the Fraternal Activity Form and send a copy of the PDF you will receive after submitting the form to the: State Deputy, State Program Director, Community Director, Forms & District Deputy
DISTRICT DEPUTIES: Please ensure the scoresheet for each district winner is delivered in advance to the Regional Chairman. Make sure the district# are on each entry form.
In the event there is only one Council in a District who holds a competition, the Council Winners are declared the District Winners and advance to the Regional. A District Runner-up is eligible to advance to the Regional as an alternate if the District Winner advises the District Deputy in advance that they cannot attend. The Runner-Up scoresheet would need to be sent to the Regional Chairman in advance for the Runner-Up to be eligible to compete.
DIOCESE REGIONAL: Please ensure the scoresheet for each regional winner is delivered in advance to the State Finals Chairman. Make sure the diocese regional is on each entry form.
Only the Regional Winners are eligible to advance to the State Finals. The Runner-up is not eligible to advance to the State Finals as an alternate.
STATE FINALS: Once the forms reach the State Finals Chairman, they will not be returned as a State Finals Scoresheet is used for all the qualified finalists. The finalist names will be confirmed by October 25th based on the forms received from the Diocese Regional Chairman and given to the State Finals Chairman.
The State Finals Soccer Challenge Chairman has the final authority for any exceptions or changes that may need to take place due to unforeseen circumstances.
Soccer Challenge Chairman at any level (Council/District/Regional) may reach out to the State Finals Soccer Challenge Chairman with any concerns or questions.
LAST REVISED 10/09/2024