State Program Director

September 2024

Faith in Action - Resources HERE - FIA Forms HERE - Program Guide HERE - Indiana Forms HERE

Dear Brothers,

Not much for this month, just some reminders that I want to keep everyone informed of.

District Deputies

Ensure all your councils have submitted the Semi-Annual Council Audit (#1295) which was due August 15. These audits are necessary to maintain the bonding on council treasurers and financial secretaries. Share this short tutorial on how to successfully complete and submit this form.

Complete an Annual Report on Council Status (#944) for each council in your district, whether functioning or not. These easy online reports should be submitted right after the District Organization Meeting – don’t wait until the deadline of September 15.

The Installation of Council Officers should be completed as soon as practical and as close as possible to the start of the new fraternal year. The script can be found in the publication Protocol, Meetings, and Ceremonials (#11620), which is available to download, or can be ordered through Supplies Online.



Grand Knights

If your council has not submitted the Semiannual Council Audit (#1295) which was due August 15, please do so immediately.

Make sure your council has submitted the Report of Officers Chosen for the Term (#185) and Service Program Personnel Report (#365). These forms are necessary to ensure access to Officers Online and Safe Environment training, and to allow for effective communication with the Supreme Council.

If your council will be running Cor this fraternal year, you are encouraged to appoint an Evangelization and Faith Formation (EFF) Director to support these efforts. Please submit your returning or newly appointed EFF Director as soon as possible using this Council EFF Director Submission Form. This form supplements your council personnel report #365 as there is not a space for the EFF Director on the #365 at this time.

Share the Program Forms Reference Guide with all council officers and directors. This resource provides filing instructions for every program with a link to the necessary form.



Financial Secretaries

The Report of Officers Chosen for the Term (#185) and Service Program Personnel Report (#365) were due by June 30. Use the easy Member Management system to submit yours if still necessary.

Review the Fraternal Excellence Guide (#11619) for the latest information on council operations and the role of Financial Secretary.

Check your council's supply inventory and order Candidate Kits (#531) and other supplies as needed. Printed material over two years old should be discarded and replaced.

David C. Negrete FDD, PGK, PGN
Indiana State Council - Knights of Columbus
State Program Director
Vivat Jesus